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October 19, 2009
Sandy Hook Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Dugan, Goosman, McCulloch and Wlasuk.
Absent:  O’Keefe

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Frampton, Halstead, and Ober

MOTION: Goosman moved that the minutes of August 24, 2009, be accepted as presented.
Motion:  minutes passed as presented.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
1.      Borst/Walt Little               Receipt for signed contract of the two new replacement trucks.
2.       Cragin/Departments             2010-2011 Budget Preparation

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 81 calls, 380 incidents, and 407 hours worked.  Total fees collect $50.00.
·       The new town hall and high school taking a lot of hours.
·       TR Paul fire extinguisher training.
·       Building inspections at the schools.
·       Implementation of modules through dispatch will be April 2010; $37K savings used by the police department with annual fee of $8K support.  Need to know what modules will be used.

Standing Committees:
Budget:  no report.
Radio:  no report
Hydrant and Policies and Procedures – no report

Trucks:  #440 ladder needs repair by Gowans at no cost.  Not stowed property.  All other trucks are in order.

NUSAR:    no report

Purchasing Agent:  
·       Selling #221 okay with proceeds for additional items on the new #221.
·       Bid list out, bids due back by November 29th.
·       Need two response improvement records from Hawleyville and Botsford.
·       Fire tank on Marlin Road – quote for repair is $4900.00 with a one year warranty.  
·       North Eastern request for chargers.
·       Hose testing November 2, 3 and 4th at Sandy Hook.

Public Participation:

Additions to the agenda:  NH&L $1.5M renovations in the CIP.

Old Business:  

New Business:
·       Equipment Guideline Standards:
o       Dugan - Agrees with standardizing; would like to ask the five chiefs to get together for PPE specifications, thermal imaging and testing of airpack specifications and report back to the BOFC.    Cragin suggests that the Policies and Procedures committee determine what the standards would be for equipment guidelines, and then get together with the chiefs for their input.  Once ready Cragin will put it on the agenda for discussion.
·       Training Reimbursement Guidelines:
o       MOTION:  Burton moves that meals and food will not be a reimbursable expense for out of town training.  This will not apply to fire companies that elect to feed their participants during drills at their respective stations.
SECONDED:  Goosman
NH&L and UNITED FIRE AND RESCUE would like to suggest putting a cap on this expense.
Goosman feels that the food expenses have been getting out of hand and monies are not going to training for members.
Burton:  Most other departments were cut off from going to out of state training – fire departments are still okay.
McCulloch and Dugan opposed

MOTION:  Training funds shall not be used to purchase capital items.  These items will need to be requested under the individual department’s capital account.  This shall not preclude the purchase or training aids such as books or videos with training funds, provided these items fall under the current dollar cap for a capital item.
SECONDED:  Goosman
Burton:  Training funds should not be used to buy capital items as some items are duplicated and can be shared between departments
Dugan feels that we have been purchasing training aids through the training funds.
Dugan:  Opposes

·       Nomination of Civilian Commissioner:
o       Wlasuk makes a motion that Lisa Goosman be nominated for another term 2009-2012.
o       SECONDED:  Rob McCulloch
·       Nomination of Vice Chairman
o       McCulloch makes a motion that Mike Burton be nominated for Vice Chairman for 2009-2012.  Burton declines nomination.
o       Burton makes a motion that Lisa Goosman be nominated for another term as Vice Chairman.
o       SECONDED:  Wlasuk
·       Nomination of Chairman:
o       Lisa Goosman makes a motion to nominate Kevin Cragin for another term 2009-2010.
o       SECONDED:  Dugan

·       Training Requests
MOTION: Goosman moved that NH&L’s training request in the amount of $1300.00 for registration fee for firefighter 2 courses and EMT recertification.

MOTION:  Goosman moved that Botsford Fire and Rescue training request in the amount of $300 for rental of Danbury Burn building on 9/27/09.

MOTION:  L. Goosman moved that Sandy Hook’s training request in the amount of $4,976.60 for aerial ladder two day class, 23 firefighters; and food for above 4 meals, 23 firefighters.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

·       2010-2011 Budget:  a new budget was presented to the Commissioners.  

o       Marshall’s fees – recommends that the funding remain the same.  There is enough money to award raises if the Board so chooses.  
o       Dodgingtown training – the committee recommends an additional $1K due to the increase of young members and the past history of their judicious spending on training.
o       Equipment repairs – the committee recommends an additional $1K for annual flow testing of Botsford’s new regulators.  This is mandated by the manufacturer for the new CBRN style regulator only.  We will have to expand this program as new air packs are purchased by the town.
o       Insurance – Hawleyville requested a $2K decrease which is being put in their capital account.
o       Hawleyville Fire Department – the committee met with Hawleyville and made some revisions to the capital line item.
o       The committee also met with Hawleyville regarding the request for $175K to refurb Tanker #339.  They showed a preliminary spec that was put together and received price quotes from Pierce.  This spec contained several large dollar items that were not in last year’s spec; including a custom cap enclosure.  The committee recommended a meeting with the truck committee to discuss these items.  The position of the budget committee is that the budget goals will not be met if we insert that large dollar amount in the budget for the refurb.  They recommend that the BOFC add in $60K for a tank replacement which would include a new tank, new rear and side dump valves and any miscellaneous work associated with the tank replacement.  Hawleyville could then work with the truck committee to determine the extent of the refurb needed in the future.

MOTION:  Dugan makes a motion that the capital line item be raised by $20K to include working on Hawleyville’s Tanker Replacement.  This will increase the budget to $1,188, 671.00.
SECONDED:  McCulloch  

MOTION:  Burton made a motion that Board of Fire Commissioners approve the Newtown Board of Fire Commissioner’s budget in the amount of $1,188,671 for the 2010-2011 budget.
SECONDED:  Goosman

·       NH&L $1.5M CIP:
Would like Rob Manna, of the town’s building committee, Richard Camejo, President of NH&L to speak on behalf of NH&L Fire department.

Next steps are to meet with Chairman of the BZBA to reapply for variance.  If not approved, will try and develop the building within the setbacks.  
o       Cost estimate is $2.6M.  NH&L will contribute $750K.  Will also do aggressive fund raising to offset the balance.  Asking for Board of Fire Commissioner’s support.  Asking Board for $1.5M to remain in CIP plan, for the construction of new building instead of renovations.
o       Cannot change the CIP – Selectman removed it.
o       We could support NH&L’s proposal.   Cragin or Goosman would speak on behalf of NH&L’s request.
o       Jason letter that he wrote to the paper was excellent.
o       Goosman supports them.
o       Dugan feels $2.6M is a lot of money for the firehouse.  Manna states that the sq foot amount is $185.  Dugan would like to see the plans before supporting this effort.
o       Halstead asks that the BOFC supports the effort and thanked them for presenting the proposal with a dollar amount, and feels the town does owe them something.
o       Cragin to meet with newly elected First Selectman after 11/3/09 (Election Day) to discuss Newtown Hook and Ladder Building.

MOTION: Goosman moved that the BOFC support the NH&L Proposed new firehouse in CIP plan.
SECONDED:  McCulloch
Nay:  Dugan

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey